Goudsmid Juwelier Fanny Van den Heuvel
Designing, Developing and Maintaining WordPress Website
- Goudsmid Juwelier Fanny van den Heuvel
- Wordpress website
Provided Services
- Graphic Design
- Corporate Identity
- Photoshop editing
- Wordpress
The brief
I was asked to create a WordPress Website for Goldsmith Jeweller Fanny Van den Heuvel
Goldsmith Jeweller Fanny Van den Heuvel stands for a full service, for expert advice with every purchase, creation, design or repair of your jewellery and watches.
I was asked to build a website in WordPress using an existing theme they really like and wanted. So I started out there and tweaked and changed the theme to suit the needs of the client. The site has a vast amount of images of jewellery they sell in the shop. All Images get delivered to me in raw format with no editing. Most of them are shot in the workshop of the jeweller. Lightning, dust and scratch corrections still need to be done to every picture. When the pictures are edited, cropping and composition are done to fit the sites needs. After that I add al pictures to the site, I create the pages, and send the drafts to the client to fill in the description and item name for each item. I also update the site on a frequent base, and maintain and trouble shoot whenever needed.
Feel free to visit the site Goudsmid Juwelier Fanny Van den Heuvel